Why Finding A Mentor Matters

We need mentors to become better leaders ourselves. TA Manager Trish Pandya shares her perspectives on this episode.

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Meet our guest

Trish Pandya has years of experience as a technical recruiter for companies like Credit Karma and Alluxio. She’s also garnered plenty of experience as a mentor to members of her teams.

Episode transcript


Host Amir Bormand meets with Trish Pandya, the Senior TA Manager at Alluxio. She and Amir discuss the significance of mentors – and how forming a meaningful connection with the right mentor can help you grow professionally and personally.

Show Notes

3:12 – Trish shares why she began to search for a mentor.
8:29 – What qualifies someone as a mentor?
14:13 – How to know if mentorship is or isn’t working for you.
18:48 – Trish offers her insights on becoming a better mentor to her team.

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